fall in love with Warsaw
Once you fall in love with Warsaw, it will be immeasurable and indiscriminate love. However, this relationship will not be an easy one as Warsaw is a city of contrasts with difficult and dramatic past and a future in the hands of a new generation full of hope and energy. To feel it get Warsaw city guide app.

To discover the real face of the city, you must accept its virtues and flaws. Firstly, great time for Warsaw in the first decades of the 20th century was disrupted by the II World War, the Nazi occupation, and the Warsaw Uprising.
Then came hard postwar times, Stalinism and, finally emancipation, free elections, and the rebirth of the city from aches. Due to its extensive history and difficult experience, Warsaw is sometimes known as the Phoenix City.
This place is so unique! Even if it grows weak or dies at some moments, soon it blooms with more light, power, and hope.
Warsaw city guide
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Warsaw city guide
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Warsaw revivals have always been possible and so spectacular thanks to its residents; their determination, self-belief, and creativity. What dominates in the history of Warsaw as well as in its architecture is not chaos, as some people claim, but diversity and changeability. After all, a city is a living organism which surprises, shocks, or even irritates.

Follow IN Places and we will take you off the beaten track and guide through unknown and beautiful architecture of the city with a mix of social realism, brutal and modern character. With us you will discover enclaves for a day entertainment as well as bustling nightlife streets, bars and clubs.
Let’s dance on one of beaches by the Vistula River! Hungry? Have you heard that Warsaw has been named the third most vegan-friendly city in the world? So, let’s head for the best “green” bars and restaurants.
But, if you are not fond of such cuisine, there are plenty of fabulous spots serving traditional or even pre-war dishes. No matter if they are cosy and cheap or posh, Warsaw bars and restaurants have some kind of ambiance which makes you want stay forever.
Art lovers will be pleased with numerous galleries and small workshops presenting accomplishments of contemporary artist from the whole country. Comic books, posters, life acts, modern multimedia communications – various art forms that inspire and make Warsaw stand out in Europe or even in the whole world.
To prepare well before a trip to Warsaw, read our “Stories” on its districts and revitalized areas which nurture authenticity of this amazing city. You find it inside Warsaw city guide app.
You are welcome to experience and explore Warsaw to get to its soul and understand its uniqueness.
Kate Zaniewska
Warsaw city guide. Discover more
Throughout the history there have always been green roofs installed on the tops of buildings, especially in dense urban settings. read more …