BerlinartHella Jongerius. Woven Cosmos. Gropius Bau Berlin

Hella Jongerius. Woven Cosmos. Gropius Bau Berlin

Hella Jongerius presents practice in the connection between industry and craft as well as traditional knowledge and technology.

In Hella Jongerius’s work, weaving plays a significant role – as one of the oldest cultural technologies, while also at the root of digital code.

Entitled Woven Cosmos, the exhibition uses interactive elements to engage visitors in the artist’s open-ended, process-oriented techniques, encouraging a critical examination of issues around production and sustainability, present and future. 

Apart from Jongerius’s research into innovation and her progressive experimental practices, the exhibition highlights her ongoing enquiry into how we relate to objects – and how they can heal us.

until August 15, 2021

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iconic galleries / alternative art spaces / extraordinary collection of art / hidden museum and architecture sites

local designers / local craft / less waste

local fashion designers / vintage treasures / and not to be missed places