Alexander Levy gallery. Critical and ironic discussion.
IN Places
Alexander Levy gallery focuses on presenting young artists which engage with the present in a critical and ironic way. The emphasis lies on conceptual positions which reflect societal structures, and subversively take up scientific and political themes.
Julius von Bismarck, Ekaterina Burlyga, Felix Kiessling, Fabian Knecht, Egor Kraft, Gereon Krebber, Ella Littwitz, Mischa Leinkauf, Nik Nowak, Colin Snapp, Vicky Uslé and Sinta Werner.
An online portfolio, that is accompanying the exhibition in the gallery, will give you a special insight into the artists’ practices narrating background stories of the works.
alexander levy
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse 26, D-10969 Berlin
May 1, 2020 - Jun 6, 2020