ParisartThe Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry exhibition at MAD Paris

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry exhibition at MAD Paris

The exhibition at MAD Paris, entitled À la rencontre du petit prince (An Encounter with the petit prince), brings together more than six-hundred works that celebrate the many facets of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s extraordinary life as a writer, poet, aviator, explorer, journalist, inventor, and philosopher who was driven all his life by a humanistic ideal, the true driving force of his work.

An Encounter with the petit prince showcases the original manuscript of The Little Prince, held in the permanent collection of the Morgan Library & Museum in New York City, alongside watercolors, sketches, drawings, papers, photographs, poems, newspaper clippings and correspondence produced by Saint-Exupéry over the course of his life.

MAD Paris

until June 26, 2022

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