Sculpture in search of a Place. Zacheta Warsaw
It tackles the subject of the identity of Polish sculpture over the last sixty years – not so much as a chronology of artistic activity, but as a presentation of the phenomena and creative attitudes that have been essential for its development.
It is also the result of the deep fascination and many years of research of its curator, Anna Maria Leśniewska, who has managed to collect the works of nearly a hundred visual artists, including a dozen or so film makers, and present them in the form of an original visual essay.
Edward Ihnatowicz’s interactive kinetic sculpture Senster, which leads to a topic of machine-sculpture.
The exhibition features the famous Pregnant Women by Xawery Dunikowski, a classic and precursor of modernist sculpture in Poland, who had a huge impact on the next generations of artists. His works provide a kind of starting point for the exhibition, if one tries to look at the subject of sculpture and the changes it has undergone over the years from historical perspective.
Next to them, visitors can see, among others, polyester forms by Alina Szapocznikow and figurative private nudes by Katarzyna Kozyra. Also present here are works of folk art and African masks which, through their primal power of expression, have been shown by the curator as constitutive for the phenomenon of sculpture.

Artists. Sculpture in search of a Place
Magdalena Abakanowicz, Paweł Althamer, Hakan Bakir, Antoni Baran, Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Maciej Bernaś, Cezary Bodzianowski, Emilia Bohdziewicz, Piotr Bosacki, Julian Boss-Gosławski, Michał Budny, Tatiana Czekalska i Leszek Golec, Oskar Dawicki, Xawery Dunikowski, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Izabella Gustowska,
Władysław Hasior, Stanisław Hołda, Edward Ihnatowicz, Sławomir Iwański, Zuzanna Janin, Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz, Krystian Jarnuszkiewicz, Piotr Jędrzejewski, Julian Jończyk, Koji Kamoji, Tadeusz Kantor, Leszek Knaflewski, Marianna Komorniczak, Anna Konik, Paweł Kowalewski, Katarzyna Kozyra, Edward Krasiński, Anna Królikiewicz,
Marlena Kudlicka, Kamil Kuskowski, Robert Kuśmirowski, Stefan Kwapisz, Norman Leto, Zbigniew Libera, Józef Lurka, Edward Łazikowski, Jadwiga Maziarska, Antoni Mikołajczyk, Henryk Morel, Szczepan Mucha, Teresa Murak, Ludwika Ogorzelec, Wojciech Oleksy, Stanisław Ostoja-Kotkowski,
Włodzimierz Pawlak, Andrzej Pawłowski, Marek Piasecki, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Piotr Potworowski, Joanna Przybyła, Monika Puchała, Joanna Rajkowska, Józef Robakowski, Andrzej Różycki, Krystiana Robb-Narbutt, Jadwiga Sawicka, Stanisław Seweryński, Janek Simon, Monika Sosnowska, Alina Szapocznikow,
Maciej Szańkowski, Andrzej Szewczyk, Marian Szulc, Wawrzyniec Szwej, Iza Tarasewicz, Teresa Tyszkiewicz, Gustav Vigeland, Henryk Wiciński, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Xawery Wolski, Stanisław Zagajewski, Anna Zagrodzka, Krzysztof Zarębski, Sofia Żezmer, Artur Żmijewski

Frank Kizinski
until April 25, 2021