Joan Cornellà at Arts Factory Paris. Solo exhibition

Joan Cornellà dark humor with innocent tangy colors could well be the ideal antidote to this post-confinement period! Initially perceived as a viral phenomenon – his facebook, instagram and twitter accounts bring together more than 7 million fans.
Joan Cornellà
Joan Cornellà was born in Barcelona in 1981. Comic book author and illustrator, he collaborates regularly with the magazine “El Jueves” and many Spanish periodicals before publishing in 2009 “Abulio”, his first album with Glénat, winner of the Joseph Prize Coll. In 2012 appeared “Fracasar Mejor”, a compilation of strips which announced the following year the release of “Mox Nox” at Bang Ediciones.
“Zonzo” and “Sot”, self-published in 2015 and 2016, allow him to free himself from the traditional circuit by distributing his work himself via Fail Better Press, an independent structure created in the wake of his sprawling invasion of networks social. Published in 2019, “Everyone Dies Alone” brings together many unpublished illustrations produced for its exhibitions.
Through a selection of recent works – paintings, lithographs, serigraphs – and a scenography specially designed for the occasion, the Arts Factory gallery in Paris offers a real immersion in its absurd universe where the limits of political correctness are trampled with jubilation. Suicide, infanticide, racism, poverty, disability, diseases and mutilations of all kinds … Joan Cornellà brilliantly proves that we can laugh at everything, to better point the finger at the inequalities and violence of the time.
Kate Zaniewska

until August 29, 2020