Warsawart9th Young Triennale in Orońsko. The global climatic balance.

9th Young Triennale in Orońsko. The global climatic balance.

This ninth edition of the Young Triennial focuses on themes connected with sustaining… the global climatic balance “So long as we still live”. To participate, the curator Marta Czyż has invited 32 young generation artists who address these issues in their everyday practice. Within the framework of the Triennial all the artists have had a meeting with the curator as well as their mentors (Bożena Kowalkowska, Urszula Zajączkowska, Agata Zbylut, Leszek Golec and Jarosław Lubiak), during which the participants discussed what art should look like, what tasks it ought to perform and how it should be displayed in order to minimize the degrading activity of man – including artists’. The worked out ideas and solutions are going to be presented in an exhibition and in the form of joint activities.

artists and artists

Yura  Biley, Paweł  Błęcki, Diana Grabowska, Bruno Althamer, Tymek Bryndal, Patrycja Cichosz, Adelina Cimochowicz, Jakub Danilewicz, Franciszek Drażba, Emilia Dudziec, Karolina Gardzilewicz, Ewa Goral, Tomek Haładaj, Łukasz Horbów, Aleksandra Jagła, Jakub Jakubowicz, Ida Karkoszka, Karolina Konopka, Agata Lankamer, Julia Łukasiak, Katarzyna Malejka, Paweł Marcinek, Gabriela Matuszewska, Maria Nova, Kolektyw Łaski, Szymon Popielec, Tomasz Paszkowicz, Patryk Różycki, Aleksandra Sarna, Kuba Stępień, Natalia Sucharek, Kacper Szalecki

Mentors/ Leszek Golec, Bożena Kowalkowska, Jarosław Lubiak, Urszula Zajączkowska i Agata Zbylut

Curator/ Marta Czyż

Kate Zaniewska


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