The Grinders Cease exhibition at Blain Southern Berlin
Blain Southern Berlin presents The Grinders Cease, an exhibition by Mat Collishaw. The exhibition testifies to the depth and breadth of Collishaw’s practice, with new and recent works including installation, sculpture, photography and painting. The Grinders Cease reflects Collishaw’s preoccupation with the Vanitas theme, used since the Renaissance as a way of reminding viewers of the impermanence of worldly pleasures.

The exhibition title is borrowed from the King James Bible, Book of Ecclesiastes from which the Vanitas derives:
In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened…
(King James Bible, Ecclesiastes 12:3)
Pictured/ Mat Collishaw, Seria Ludo (detail), 2016, Courtesy the artist, BlainSouthern & The National Trust
Photo/ Kippa Matthews
Tue-Sat 11am – 6pm
1 December 2018 - 26 January 2019
Blain|Southern Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 77–87